Summer term 2015 - a new School Council...
This term our new school value has been RESPECT. In assembly the children created an acrostic poem all about RESPECT. The School Council designed a new display...Blooming With Respect and had great fun in the process painting their hands various different colours!
What else have we been up to?
At the end of spring we took our scissors and watering cans outside the front entrance for a tidy up. We snipped the heads off the once beautiful daffodils and watered the remaining flowers in their pots.
Miss Aukett asked the children if they would mind getting the PE equipment ready for sports day. An afternoon playing with balls and javelins? Of course they didn't mind!
The Summer Fair was looming and the children were eager to help me run a 'biscuit decorating stall'. In preparation they enjoyed designing some biscuits and making price labels for the stall. It was a VERY hot day but everyone took turns to mix icing sugar, take money, give change etc. Thank you councillors...especially as some of us were melting along with the biscuits!
at the end of the school year the School Council, along with Year 2, visited the residents of Willow Court Residential Home. The children delighted the residents by singing a selection of popular summer songs.